Friday, March 25, 2011


March has been a busy month for us. Willow's birthday was at the beginning of the month and we celebrated for several days, I think she is just now recovering from all the excitement! Then we had Spring Break and we spent most of it sick with colds, ear infections, and nasty coughs. After many visits to the pharmacy (they now know us by name) I think we are getting better. One of our many visits to the doctor this month was for Willow's one year check up. She weighs in at whopping 15 pounds 9 ounces and is 28 inches long! On her growth chart she is in the 50th percentile for weight and above 50th for length so she is little but she is growing. He is very pleased with her overall health and development and I feel very thankful and blessed for such a good visit.
Since Willow's birth I have come into contact with a magazine specifically for parents who have a child with a disability and have also had the privilege of meeting some moms who also have children with a disability. Every time I read a story or listen to a mother speak about the trials they go through with their children my heart is torn. On one hand I feel so blessed that Willow is healthy and thriving but on the other hand my heart breaks for these mothers. On only a small scale can I understand what they go through. Yes, we have therapy and a few extra doctor's appointments throughout the year but what is that in comparison to the countless hours these mothers spend in doctors' offices, hospitals, and in therapy with their children. They do this with such strength and grace, makes me wonder, would I have the strength? I am sure these mothers have ask the same question and I am sure I would find the strength because of my unconditional love for her but I still look to them in awe of the way they care for their children. They inspire me and I am so privileged to have met some of theses fierce, brave mothers and to have also read the stories of many more.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Willow Rose is turning ONE!

Today is a very special day around our house. Our little Willow Rose is turning ONE. Gillian and Ava woke up earlier than normal so they could go into Willow's room and sing Happy Birthday to her. She was all smiles as they sang to her.
I can't believe how fast this year has gone, I have spent some time this morning reflecting on this day a year ago. A year ago today, the good guys at Sears came and cleaned our carpets- last thing on my to do list before my c-section that Friday. Also, got Ava ready and off to kindergarten for the afternoon and then I decided to take a nap in hopes that when I got up I would feel much better; little to my surprise things were about to get very crazy around here. I went into labor just fifteen minutes before it was time to pick the girls up from school! I quickly called a friend to pick them up and Chad and I were on our way to the hospital and at 6:15p.m. Willow Rose entered our lives. She came into this world and she was not what we expected but as I have said over and over she is far better than we could have ever imagined. That cold evening last March as my family and I held hands around my hospital bed crying and praying I could not have fathomed the amazing year we have had with her. I prayed for nine months that I would have a healthy and happy baby and God heard my prayers and he gave me a healthy, happy baby and he even made her with an extra chromosome. She brings great joy to us and we are so thankful for her. This year has been about change, hope, love, patience, understanding, and pure happiness. Happy Birthday to Willow Rose, she radiates all that is pure and all that is good. We love you.