After a long hiatus... I'm back.
We have had a very busy but fun-filled summer and I think we are starting to get back into a routine. At the beginning of the summer we made a bucket list, a list of things we wanted to do over the summer. Our list included swimming, blueberry picking, trips to the library, visiting family and friends, and of course girly things like painting toenails, facials, and making yummy snacks. We enjoyed every moment of our time together and it was made even better because daddy got to come home early many days.
School has begun and we are getting back into the routine of early mornings and busy evenings. It is pretty quiet around here especially during nap time! Willow is bottom scooting everywhere- yes, we have tried for months and months to get this girl to crawl and she has figured out that scooting on her bottom is so much easier and she can move rather quickly. She is into everything and I spend my days chasing her around. She has also become quite the talker.
Every morning when Willow wakes up I hear the sounds of happy babbling and occasional laughing coming from her room. Without fail I know when I walk in and pick her up she will give me a smile and pat me on the back. I also know that everywhere we go she will greet people with a smile and a wave. If only I could look at like through rose colored glasses like my daughter. She will always look at life differently, what a blessing. Her life and the love she gives will be so pure and unconditional and our family has and will always benefit greatly from the life she lives.
Today, I feel thankfulness for the man I married and the three wonderful children we have the privilege of raising together. And when the busyness and sometimes craziness of life sweep over us may I remember to love unconditinally and live life with a pure heart.