So on July 2nd Willow turned four months and the time is just flying! She had her check-up and shots. She is 11lb12oz and 24 inches. She has a growth chart that is specifically for females with down syndrome. She is in about the 80th percentile for weight and above 50th for length. The girl loves to eat! Our doctor is just so thrilled with the way she is growing and developing. As parents we just love to hear those positive words and are thankful for such a wonderful encouraging doctor. She also has been doing great with therapy and her therapist continues to be impressed with how well she is doing. To say that we are VERY happy would be an understatement.
Four things I have learned the last four months:
1. That I am not in control and never will be but HE is...
2. That something unexpected can be the most beautiful thing you ever imagined
3. That you can learn a lot through the eyes of young children, they love unconditionally without any reservations.
4. That life does really go by very quickly and tomorrow is not guaranteed so live for the day and enjoy all the little simple but beautiful moments...
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