Wednesday, January 26, 2011

After Willow was born I was given several books. One of the books I read was called Gifts. It was a series of reflections from many mothers on how children with Down Syndrome enrich their lives. The other day I picked the book back up and came across this mother's reflection of her child and thought it so closely described my exact feelings for Willow. She writes, He is a daily reminder to me of Paul's words, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unaware"(Hebrews 13:1b2). She says, I lived most of my life as a person with limited capacity. But God gave me an angel to entertain to broaden my perspective and enlarge my heart. Through Jonny, He showed me how little He cares about our intelligence and physical appearance, how much more He cares about the things we "normal" people will never be able to measure. Looking back, I know that it must have been me God saw as disabled. But where I was blind, I now can see. Barbara Curtis wrote these very profound words and these words sum up my own thoughts and feelings over the last year. I often mention the change in me this year as a result of Willow's life. This passage is the essence of that change. My perspective has broadened and deepened, the pettiness of life has no meaning or value any more. Fearless, I have become. Maturity, I now have. Strength, I found. Intelligence and physical appearance can be here today and gone tomorrow, so tiny in the grand scheme of life. So my eyes are fixed on a higher, deeper calling. May I teach my three little ones the importance of living life with purpose and meaning and to not live with limited capacity. May they live their life with a broadened perspective and also know how much He really does care about them.

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